Brief Guide to Integrating OpenID Connect with Laravel Passport

Christopher Espiritu

Christopher Espiritu

Brief Guide to Integrating OpenID Connect with Laravel Passport

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an advanced identity layer built upon OAuth 2.0, providing a robust framework for secure user authentication and standardized identity verification. This guide offers a detailed walkthrough for integrating OIDC into a Laravel Passport-powered application, enabling enhanced security and streamlined authentication.

Benefits of OpenID Connect Integration

  • Simplified Credential Management: Leverages token-based authentication, eliminating the need for password handling.
  • Consistent Profile Access: Ensures uniform retrieval of user data across various platforms.

Implementation Framework

Leveraging Community Packages for OIDC Support

  1. jeremy379/laravel-openid-connect:
    • Provides a discovery endpoint at /.well-known/openid-configuration.
    • Includes a JWKS endpoint for verifying token signatures.
  2. devadamlar/laravel-oidc:
    • Facilitates seamless JWT-based authentication.
    • Supports multi-tenant configurations, offering adaptability for complex setups.

Step-by-Step Integration Process

  1. Install the Required Package Execute the following command to incorporate OIDC functionality:

    composer require jeremy379/laravel-openid-connect

    Reasoning: This package augments Laravel Passport’s capabilities by introducing essential OIDC features such as discovery endpoints and JWKS handling.

  2. Generate Cryptographic Keys Generate keys using Laravel Passport’s built-in utility:

    php artisan passport:keys

    Reasoning: These keys ensure the authenticity and integrity of tokens by facilitating signing and verification.

  3. Register the Service Provider Add the following entry to config/app.php:

    'providers' => [

    Reasoning: Registers the service provider, making OIDC features available within the Laravel application.

  4. Define an Entity Class Create an entity class under app/Entities/ implementing OpenIDConnect\Interfaces\IdentityEntityInterface and the OpenIDConnect\Claims\Traits\WithClaims trait. Reasoning: This class encapsulates user claims, enabling structured management of identity data.

  5. Publish and Configure Package Settings Publish the configuration file:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OpenIDConnect\Laravel\PassportServiceProvider"

    Reasoning: Customizes OIDC settings to align with application-specific requirements.

  6. Update Authentication Guards Configure guards in config/auth.php for different authentication mechanisms:

    • Session-Based Authentication:
      'guards' => [
          'web' => [
              'driver' => 'oidc',
    • API Token-Based Authentication:
      'guards' => [
          'api' => [
              'driver' => 'passport',
              'provider' => 'users',

    Reasoning: Establishes configurations for session-based and stateless API authentication, ensuring versatility in usage scenarios.

  7. Implement the UserInfo Endpoint Define a route to provide user profile data:

    Route::get('/oauth/userinfo', 'YourController@userinfo')

    Reasoning: This endpoint allows authenticated clients to access critical user profile information.

  8. Enhance Application Security

    • Enforce HTTPS for secure communication.
    • Validate tokens to detect tampering.
    • Add security headers such as CSP and HSTS for further protection. Reasoning: Adhering to these practices mitigates vulnerabilities and strengthens overall security.

Addressing Common Challenges and Following Best Practices

Common Implementation Issues

  • CORS Misconfigurations:
    • Misconfigured headers for .well-known endpoints can trigger cross-origin errors.
    • Solution: Define appropriate headers or host static configurations.
  • Invalid State Exceptions:
    • Typically caused by session or CSRF misconfigurations.
    • Solution: Verify session handling and implement robust CSRF protections.

Best Practices

  • Store sensitive information, like client secrets, in environment variables.
  • Periodically rotate signing keys to reduce risk.
  • Implement CSRF and clickjacking protections for added security.

Alternatives to Consider

  • maicol07/laravel-oidc-client: Offers features like automatic token refresh and user synchronization, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.


Integrating OpenID Connect with Laravel Passport elevates authentication protocols by providing a secure, standardized framework for identity management. Through careful implementation and adherence to best practices, developers can build robust, scalable applications that effectively leverage OIDC's capabilities.

OIDC Flow Representation

    participant Client
    participant Browser
    participant Authorization Server
    participant Resource Server

    Client->>+Browser: Redirect to Authorization Server
    Browser->>+Authorization Server: Authenticate User
    Authorization Server-->>-Browser: Authorization Code
    Browser->>+Client: Send Authorization Code
    Client->>+Authorization Server: Exchange Code for Access Token & ID Token
    Authorization Server-->>-Client: Return Tokens
    Client->>+Resource Server: Access Resource with Access Token
    Resource Server-->>-Client: Return Protected Resource